Focus on Yourself is a holistic healing guide for Inner Peace and Self Discovery. This book offers a glimpse into the life of Tiarra Abu-Bakr, Holistic Clinical Therapist, and the strategies she learned, implemented and consistently practice to effectively move through trauma.

This book is a tool to add to your tool kit as you navigate healing. Be prepared to take yourself on a comprehensive journey of Self Discovery utilizing the 9 pillars of Holistic Wellness. You deserve this season of Self Discovery!

About Tiarra

As a Holistic Clinical Therapist in private practice, Tiarra found herself desiring a more comprehensive approach to serving clients. In her work, she holds space for clients to explore traumas that took place in early childhood and discover how those experiences shifted their entire identity.

Tiarra’s work empowers individuals to live life from a self-full perspective which is often revolutionary for individuals that are conditioned to practice self-sacrificing behaviors.

Life Mantra: To Thy Own Self Be True

- William Shakespeare

The 9 Pillars of Wellness:

- Emotional Wellness
- Social Wellness
- Environmental Wellness
- Spiritual Wellness
- Financial Wellness
- Intellectual Wellness
- Physical Wellness
- Creative Wellness
- Sexual Wellness

  • I have been a patient of Tiarra’s for about 2 years now, and I can truly say she has helped me through some of the darkest moments in my life. I’ve had many struggles throughout my life with depression and low-self esteem. However, with Tiarra’s guidance, tools and support, she has helped me face a lot of hard truths and realizations that has definitely helped me come into a much more positive and sound mental space in my life’s journey. She has challenged me mentally and spiritually, but always with such genuine kindness and care.


  • Tiarra is a transformative therapist who has changed the tragedy of my life. Every session, Tiarra creates space for me to show up as my authentic self. Grief, low-self esteem, and poor communication skills used to be major problems in my life, but after working with Tiarra, I have experienced relief. Her holistic approach to wellness has transformed my spirit and mind.


  • "I’m so thankful to be able to say that I have been able to work with Mrs. Tiarra. She has given me the ability to reclaim my power and learn the importance of taking care of my spiritual health. Since starting my sessions with her I have grown so much as a person and learned so many new ways to cultivate healthy relationships and healing practices. I cannot wait to read this book."


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